Exchange links "Link Worth"
So, imagine bourgeois exchange links, rather than just an exchange, a broker with extensive linking capabilities and excellent prices.
Link Worth - this is almost equivalent Sape, bourgeois system of buying and selling links, which has many additional features:
• paid surveys for bloggers
• Pay-per-click for contextual links
• Pay-per-click on the links
• placement of articles and pages our customers
• more
Link Worth - this is almost equivalent Sape, bourgeois system of buying and selling links, which has many additional features:
• paid surveys for bloggers
• Pay-per-click for contextual links
• Pay-per-click on the links
• placement of articles and pages our customers
• more
Market has been on the market since 2007 and has proven to be a good idea, but the Russian-speaking users, it still is little known.
And in vain. Burzhuiny not skimp pay for hard currency piaristye links. Also, this service will only find for sale links from sites zabanennyh FS Yandex.
Short of Exchange:
Market Link Worth taking in sites in Russian and other languages
The minimum price level for the link to the main $ 5
Excellent selling sites pr2 for $ 30-40, pr3 for $ 60-80, pr4 to $ 100
Exchange Commission is 30%
Ability to purchase and sale of paid surveys for bloggers
Ability to purchase and sale of clicks on contextual links
Ability to buy and sell clicks on links
Ability to purchase and sale of placement of articles and pages
Payment by check or direct transfer
The minimum amount of the payment of $ 100
Quick tips:
Add-in sites with higher pr 0
Do not ignore when you add sites to the system partition selection of categories and tags
Use all the features of service
And in vain. Burzhuiny not skimp pay for hard currency piaristye links. Also, this service will only find for sale links from sites zabanennyh FS Yandex.
Short of Exchange:
Market Link Worth taking in sites in Russian and other languages
The minimum price level for the link to the main $ 5
Excellent selling sites pr2 for $ 30-40, pr3 for $ 60-80, pr4 to $ 100
Exchange Commission is 30%
Ability to purchase and sale of paid surveys for bloggers
Ability to purchase and sale of clicks on contextual links
Ability to buy and sell clicks on links
Ability to purchase and sale of placement of articles and pages
Payment by check or direct transfer
The minimum amount of the payment of $ 100
Quick tips:
Add-in sites with higher pr 0
Do not ignore when you add sites to the system partition selection of categories and tags
Use all the features of service
Log in:
To begin with (of course) turn as a small blagodarnosi:) on my ref.ssylke: Start registration
Then we get to the main page of the Exchange.
To begin with (of course) turn as a small blagodarnosi:) on my ref.ssylke: Start registration
Then we get to the main page of the Exchange.
And push and push button registration service Sign Up. After that appear on the registration page.
We fill all the fields in the right side (do not forget to specify the refferal id: 21514)
In the left column select the Partner Acount for registration as a vendor references, Advertiser Account to register as a customer reference or Combo Account - a universal solution.
Omechaem checkbox after "I have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions" and press Create Account (create an account).
To check the soap, turn on the link to confirm registration.
After that, you can enter your account using the user name and password you entered when registering.
Immediately after logging in, you get to add a site form, and proceed to the next section.
Adding a site to service:
We fill your personal information
In the left column select the Partner Acount for registration as a vendor references, Advertiser Account to register as a customer reference or Combo Account - a universal solution.
Omechaem checkbox after "I have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions" and press Create Account (create an account).
To check the soap, turn on the link to confirm registration.
After that, you can enter your account using the user name and password you entered when registering.
Immediately after logging in, you get to add a site form, and proceed to the next section.
Adding a site to service:
We fill your personal information
Filling information add websites
Filling additional preferences
Next, set the price of links to site, depending on the nesting
Set "Yes, I want to offer LinkAds, LunkSuras and LinkMuras. I will set at least one location price below."
Setup Home Page Price - the price link on the homepage.
Set Sub Page Price - the price of links embedded into your site.
Sit Site Run Price - the price of all links from the pages of your site (if you do not want to tinker with the inside pages, and the price on them).
The following do not change or choose the "I don` t want to offer ... "
Click the Add button (Submit) and get the message that your site is listed and sent for testing.
If you want to just add another site, you will have to fill out some tax form and confirm that you are not a citizen of US
Problems do not arise here as well, on the screenshots:
Setup Home Page Price - the price link on the homepage.
Set Sub Page Price - the price of links embedded into your site.
Sit Site Run Price - the price of all links from the pages of your site (if you do not want to tinker with the inside pages, and the price on them).
The following do not change or choose the "I don` t want to offer ... "
Click the Add button (Submit) and get the message that your site is listed and sent for testing.
If you want to just add another site, you will have to fill out some tax form and confirm that you are not a citizen of US
Problems do not arise here as well, on the screenshots:
Then press to continue (Continue), and the last phase is shown in the screenshot:
Well, that's all. Waiting moderation adding a site about 24 hours.
In the case of approval or disapproval of sites will get a message to the soap.
We are looking forward to buying links for good money, provide links.
A result is not long to wait ...
In the case of approval or disapproval of sites will get a message to the soap.
We are looking forward to buying links for good money, provide links.
A result is not long to wait ...
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